Theresa Eckler

We offer programs by Theresa Eckler, whose book "Limitless" is the perfect story to inspire young children around the world. Limitless is the beautiful story of a determined young girl, named Harper, who is on a mission to find her “thing.” After several failed attempts, she stumbles upon a group of children trying to fix a broken kite. Harper uses her creativity to fix not only the kite, but also inspires those around her to use their minds to help them succeed. For the last 16 years Theresa has been a local elementary teacher and has begun doing author visits at schools throughout New York State. Theresa's visits include reading her brand new children's book, sharing a beautiful presentation highlighting the writing process behind the science to make the book happen, engaging activities such as "spot the difference" where students become the editors and see if they can find the inconsistencies between the illustrative drafts and the final illustration and so much more! Theresa wrote this book as while teaching she noticed a need for books that highlight students creativity, ability to problem solve, and being proud of what makes you unique!
Martha Raleigh Winsten

I am a third generation artist whose paintings of race horses are in a number of private collections of prominent horse people across the country.
I would like to do presentations involving reading my children's book "Awesome Elijah," a drawing lesson, and play and sing the song that I wrote that goes with it, or play a professional recording of it.
Elijah, the calf, is rescued from certain death, and grows up to be a much loved steer who is ridden at a Horse Expo at the Saratoga Race Course. This true story illustrates just what an effect one act of compassion can have on so many lives.
Dusty & Dott

Meet Dott! Like the Polkadot! And her talking dog Dusty, like the dust! Their mission is to foster the voice and imagination of the next generation. Dusty & Dott are committed to creating an environment that is welcoming and supportive of all identities. Through storytelling and the magic of puppetry, Dusty & Dott celebrate curiosity and encourage the values of creative play.
The bGreat Show

The bGreat Show is presented by comic-magician Brian Richards, one of the most humorous assembly performers in the country. Using the perfect blend of entertainment and educational content, Brian’s assemblies are loved by students and staff alike. Though they will laugh and be fooled by his tricks, your school will also get excited about character! In this interactive, 45-minute elementary school assembly and camp show, Brian Richards will use magic, comedy, storytelling, audience participation, and more to help your students learn about Anti-Bullying, Trustworthiness, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility, Caring, and Citizenship. The message to students is: “Do you want to be great? It begins with you taking the first step!”
Karli White

I am a former classroom teacher. Due to illness, I no longer can be in the classroom. Through my ordeal I have acquired a service dog to help me with daily tasks. Since then, I have written a series of books about my service dog. The first in the series is informational and children and adults alike can benefit from learning about these special dogs.
I offer free school visits to do author talks and book readings for both of my first two children's books. With my second book, I am able to do a presentation teaching writing skills using sequence words as the theme.
My picture books are titled: Daisy the Service Dog, and Daisy the Service Dog Goes Grocery Shopping
I would be honored to do an author talk and reading or to do a presentation on writing using sequence words.
Connection to Creativity

The Apple-Y EverAfter Show!????????
The Bubble Buggy spectacular adventure begins in the attic of Novel and Novella where the famous Chef de Pomme makes a spectacular entrance.
He is a world-famous apple Chef, who needs to find some rare and special apples for his famous apple desserts.
The Twins are excited to help, especially Novel because he loves apples, Novella is not a fan but is always willing to go on adventures and meet new friends.
As quick as a fast-moving dream, the Bubble Buggy takes Novel and Novella hopping across the world with their new friend Chef de Pomme, visiting orchards and festivals in places they've never been before!
The show keeps children engaged with sightwords and rhymes and much more as they learn literacy is fun through song and dance.
They whisk sweet sprinkled delicious apples into scrumptious apple desserts they pick while meeting new friends along the way. Moving from one Apple-y adventure to the next!
They learn to be brave trying new things in the musical tales of the Apple-Y Everafter Show! Ultimately, everyone learns to love Apple and maybe you will too!
Jeff the Magic Man

The following two school programs have been designed to follow the current NYS learning standards for performing arts. Each themed assembly also follows their respective NYS learning standard(s).
"Anything is Possible!" : a magical character development assembly
Focus: good mental health practices, positive self image, emotional regulation
Everyone has their own unique talent! It takes a special journey to each person to find what's special about them. Jeff will share his magic and the journey that he took to find his passion. Children will learn techniques that they can use to start their journey and find their own passion. We also take a look at the feelings that come with self discovery and healthy ways to manage them.
"The BIG balloon STEAM show!" : a circus variety style STEAM assembly
Focus: Critical Thinking, Scientific Method & Vocabulary, Deductive Reasoning
Come and explore the science behind balloons! This show combines circus style stunts with educational content that follows the NYS science learning standards. We'll explore how balloons are made along with their scientific properties. We'll also test the scientific method in a LIVE balloon experiment! For the grand finale, students will learn about elastic potential energy as Jeff climbs inside of a giant 10 foot balloon!
Gifford Family Theatre

the gifford family theatre (GFT) at le moyne college has been presenting theatre for young audiences each may/june for over 20 years. GFT provides an opportunity for young people to experience the joy of live theatre in a professional yet intimate (under 200 seats) setting on le moyne's campus. one of the most memorable moments in a child's life is the first time they experience the excitement of live theatre. GFt combines that excitement and fun with character education, using live performances to bring lessons of character to life. our plays are generally adaptations of well known children's books, making it easy to tie the performances to your Ela/literacy curriculum.
Mallory Zondag

Living Wall Fiber Art Community Program
The Living Wall is a community based, collaborative art program that focuses on the hands-on art of wet felting. During this program students learn a variety of felting techniques to experience how wool can be sculpted and painted with to create three dimensional forms, patterns and unique fiber creations. Over the course of three sessions, participating classes will learn to wet felt flowers, mushrooms, moths, leaves, stones and vines using different hands on felting techniques. They range from techniques that are purely hand based, meaning no extra tools are needed which are best for grades k-2 and techniques that require felting mats that are provided by myself, the teaching artist, which are best for grades 3 and up. Those felted pieces of flora and fauna are then added to one large piece of background felt to create the look and feel of a living wall. It is an organically textured quilt or 3D sculptural base is made entirely of hand felted wool and will sometimes represent trees, roots and branches. The final piece will be hung at the school in the location of the schools choosing.
The Living Wall is meant to be a reminder of how important green spaces are to human beings, how important our environment is and how we need nature in our lives to be healthy and happy. It serves as a lesson in using, understanding and appreciating natural fibers, as well as learning about the sustainability of wool. It is also a symbol of community and the beauty of working together to create one beautiful piece of work. In the same way an ecosystem has many individual elements that work together in harmony to create beautiful natural spaces and systems that benefit us all.
The cost of this residency program is $6250 which includes all materials, tools, in class time and the assembly of the final sculpture. There may be an additional cost to the program that will be dependent on the distance to the school and the length of the program to cover travel costs.
Barbara Slate

You Can Do a Graphic Novel, Comic Book, Meme, or Zine
Categories: Creative Writing, Visual Arts Curriculum
One-hour interactive classes, unlimited participants: $500.00
One day: $1,200.00
Four days: $3,800.00
Eight days: $6,500.00
For venues more than 40 miles from Hudson, NY travel cost of $0.50 mile will be added.
Available year-round.
Program Theme
Students learn how to create a graphic novel beginning with a six page comic. It doesn’t matter if they can draw. Stick figures are an expressive way for the reluctant artist to begin. Participants are encouraged to bring their sketchbooks and characters they may already be working on. They will learn about The Creative Process, how to write a Character Study, focus on the beginning, middle, end and twist of a story, and Create Layouts.
If the program is an assembly, Barbara talks though the program with on-screen illustrations of the process. The school is to provide a computer, projector and screen.
Program Description
Each program is custom tailored to the grade, number of students in the class, and number of sessions. If there are four or more sessions per class, the program finishes with a Graphic Novel Exhibition (see below).
The Creative Process: 20 creative tips.
Creating Characters: Participants complete bio sheets with the character’s name, age, best friend/side kick, powers (if any), biggest fear, life goal, etc.
Plotting: Learning how to plot challenges the student to complete a story. Too many begin the story and throw it out somewhere in the middle. The student learns to plot by color code, a method used by film/tv/graphic novel writers.
Layout: Participants learn about panels, thumbnails, dialogue balloons, sequence, and making a page pop. Rather than drawing “talking heads,” they draw a close-up, pull back for a long shot, followed by interior, exterior, bird’s eye views.
Everybody works at their own pace. Some are advanced artists/writers while others are beginners. It doesn’t matter where they begin as long as they get going. I hand out a “character bible” sheet and encourage them to think about the beginning, middle, end and twist of their story. The twist is what makes the story interesting. I bring in samples of character bibles from Marvel comics which they can keep, and scripts written by professionals.
Feedback is an important part of the program. It usually begins when I hold up a student’s drawing and ask them to suggest a name, age, or character trait. The student can take the suggestions or discard them, however, it opens up discussions. In the first session, students are sometimes quiet/shy with other students but by the second, they open up about their characters and stories.
After the last workshop, the doors open to parents, friends, relatives, the community, and the local press. Students show and talk about their work…where they got their inspiration for characters/story. The “Graphic Novel Exhibition” attracts a lot of attention and often results in newspaper articles. Having artwork in the newspaper is great for a student’s self-esteem and for their portfolio.
Copies of Barbara's textbook You Can Do a Graphic Novel can be ordered for the school library, and discounts are available from the publisher for class-size orders.
Utica Zoo

At the Utica Zoo, we are able to offer a variety of educational experiences both at the zoo itself and at Beaversprite, our conservation education center. Firstly, we offer field trips at both sites. Field trips to the zoo can be self-guided or fully educator led and can include a zoo introduction or curated conservation class tailored to the groups learning objectives. Beaversprite trips are all educator led and include exploration of the visitor center and guided hikes of the pristine 1300-acre wetland property. We additionally offer zoo outreach programs in a variety of styles, in which we aim to bring the zoo to you. For our outreach "Zoomobile" programs, we typically bring between three to five live ambassador animals and give a presentation on their biology, ecology, and conservation status and challenges. We also offer more heavily conservation focused programs, stressing issues like climate change, habitat loss, or invasive species. For these programs we bring fewer live animals but will bring a customizable PowerPoint presentation on the topic of choice and/or a guided activity that encourages active engagement by the students.
RiverJack Z

Offering interactive performances for PreK-Kindergarten and songwriting workshops grades K-5