Lou Del Bianco

Actor, singer and storyteller Lou Del Bianco has been performing for audiences of all ages since 1982. According to the New York Times, Lou’s dramatic approach to storytelling “puts pow into passivity!” The Parents Choice foundation states that “few performers excel as both storyteller and musician, but Lou Del Bianco is one who does.” Lou’s PARENTS CHOICE award winning recordings have garnered high praise from Billboard Magazine, NAPPA, T.V. GUIDE, BOOKLIST, CHILD Magazine, Family Fun and others!
Lou has performed all over the country, from the Tastes of Chicago to the Kravis Center to Carnegie Hall. His music video, “A Little Bit Clumsy”, was featured on the Learning Channel. He has traveled the Northeast for 30 years, performed in San Diego at the International Reading Association’s annual convention and served as keynote speaker on arts / character education from North Carolina to Massachusetts.
Lou has been an artist-in-residence since 1987 and has worked in many schools alongside teachers to help improve literacy in the classroom. His Around the World and Make a Good Choice! one man shows have reached thousands of elementary school children all over the tri-state area.
At 6’4”, Lou’s portrayal of Abraham Lincoln has been endorsed by the Lincoln Bicentennial Commission. He has also been the go to “Lincoln” for THE TONIGHT SHOW with Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy loves Abe
Lou’s grandfather, Luigi, was the chief carver on Mount Rushmore and was honored by TLC’s CAKE BOSS. His one man show about his grandfather was performed to rave reviews at Mount Rushmore. On September 16, 2017, a plaque was unveiled at Rushmore honoring Luigi’s unique contribution. Lou’s 25 year journey to get Luigi recognized culminated with a CBS SUNDAY MORNING story as well as the publication of Lou’s award winning book, “Out of Rushmore’s Shadow”. CNN historian Douglas Brinkley says this groundbreaking book “…turns orthodox history on its head.” Since then, Luigi’s unique role has been featured on several prime time TV shows like “The UnXplained” with William Shatner and “Ancient Aliens”.
From History to Diversity to Social Emotional Learning, Lou offer a wide range of programs for elementary and middle schools.
Judd Sunshine from The Hill Brothers

Judd Sunshine – Teaching Artist since 1985
Judd Sunshine began his career as a teaching artist with the renowned school assembly group known as The Hill Brothers. Between 1985 and 2022, The Hill Brothers performed thousands of educational concerts for students all over New York State, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New Jersey. Following the retirement of his fellow Hill Brothers and Sister Susie Hill, he continues the tradition of presenting quality, theme driven, educational, and entertaining programs as a solo performer.
His 5 themed shows are comprised of songs and messages delivered with gentle humor and loads of audience participation:
Anti Bully
Character Ed (Respect and responsibility)
Wellness (safe choices!)
Americana and Erie Canal Songs
Judd also offers an Erie Canal Songwriting residency as well as non themed shows just for the pure fun of it (great for the end of the school year or summer programs/camps!)
Elizabeth Macy

Lucky's Adventure Series are heartwarming stories about my rescue pup, Lucky, and is inspired by the true story of when Lucky was lost for 4 days. Lucky attends the presentations with me.
Students will learn life lessons through Lucky's eyes- making new friends, accepting others, and the importance of community, kindness, gratitude, and teamwork. The kids love to meet the star and inspiration of the books and I feel it really helps to further strengthen the messages. (Lucky sits in her stroller during the presentation). I have created presentations that are both engaging and educational that work well for large assemblies or smaller classroom/library settings.
In addition to info specifically related to each of my books, I discuss the inspiration for the books, the writing process, and how a picture book is made. We also discuss the themes of kindness and gratitude. Also a reading of the selected book and Q&A.
Top Youth Speakers

Top Youth Speakers is proud to offer a roster of over 30 top ranked speakers for youth and professional staff audiences. We provide speaking services for assemblies, workshops, conferences, and professional development or leadership training for all levels of the educational field. From anti-bullying and kindness to resiliency and burnout prevention, we are proud to serve the Arts in Education network with stellar experiences.
Beth Jacobs

The program involves creating movement plays.
Experimental Dance Theatre.
The Smith Opera House

The ArtSmart Educational Theatre Series presents performances specifically designed for school groups and are open to the general public as well. Children’s picture books and classic literature, United States and world history, relevant social issues and experiences are all transformed by nationally-touring performing artists. Our ArtSmart series is designed to encourage thinking, creativity and fun while complementing school lessons. Each year, The Smith presents a series for students of all ages.
Slapstick Science

Slapstick Science shows are REAL science demonstration-lectures; not random acts of science, but true lessons that cover an entire UNIT from an IPS textbook. All programs were written by and are presented by Ted Lawrence (a.k.a. Dr. Quinton Quark who has been visiting elementary schools since 1992)– they are spectacular and funny shows, but while each lecture is jam-packed with the most memorable science demos, they teach basic principles and concepts intended to make kids realize that science is fun and embrace pursuit of "hard" science. All Slapstick Science shows start with a lesson plan written by a certified high school chemistry, physics, and math teacher (Ted Lawrence) and are presented by a gifted teacher with a knack for thrilling an audience (also, Ted Lawrence).
“Much Work with Little Effort” teaches about Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Friction, and Simple Machines.
“The Notion of Motion” teaches Newton’s Laws of Motion – Inertia, Force and Acceleration, Action & Reaction – as well as the use of a hypothesis and units. “Flight” teaches K – 8th graders how an airplane flies and uses the audience to show off genuine Madgeburg spheres, the Bournelli Effect, and the classic “Guinea and Shuttlecock” demonstration that establish the foundation for understanding how air has pressure and is strong enough to lift heavy airplanes. “Kiddie Chem” teaches about solids, liquids, gases, and chemical reactions using exotic chemicals for K -2, and
“Combustion” is a spectacular chemistry lecture teaching basic fire safety that EVERYBODY should know before cooking dinner on a stove top or lighting a backyard grill.
Circus skills and humor abound, but the lessons-including “Science is FUN”-are what’s important. Guaranteed to excite even the most science-phobic students (and teachers) as evidenced by a 30+ year-long experience hearing "that was the best assembly" frequently after each school visit.
Compassionate Leaders Circle

The Compassionate Leaders Circle (CLC) proudly offers Student Leadership Labs for K-12 students, fostering creativity, self-discovery, and meaningful connections at every stage of their educational journey.
Book Lab for Elementary Schools empowers young learners to write and illustrate their own stories, which are professionally published on Amazon. This exciting experience allows students to showcase their work to friends, family, and local libraries, building confidence and pride in their achievements.
Dream Lab for Middle Schools guides students to uncover their core values and collaborate in learning pods. These sessions strengthen their connection with themselves and their peers while setting actionable goals for a purposeful and rewarding transition into high school.
Purpose Lab for High School and University students helps participants realign with their personal values and aspirations. Using proven methodologies, this program equips students with actionable steps to pursue a fulfilling life and realize their full potential.
CLC has aligned its programs with NYSED’s initiatives, including the “Portrait of a Graduate,” to support students in achieving a successful path to graduation.
Each lab is thoughtfully designed to inspire and empower students, creating lasting impacts both within and beyond the classroom.
Matthew McElligott

In Matt's programs he talks about the process of writing and illustrating picture books. Each talk focuses on one of his books and includes an interactive reading of the book, sharing background stories and talking a little bit about what authors and illustrators do, and an interactive demonstration of creating the illustrations. Matt will do either 3 auditorium sized or 4 library sized (smaller group) presentations per day. Four library presentations is highly preferred so Matt can better interact with students. Matt can also do an additional smaller group Q&A talk with select students (usually older kids who are interested in writing or drawing), such as a meeting over lunch or an "afternoon tea." Matt has a variety of educational and entertaining presentations suitable for students K through 6th grade, as well as presentations for parent's nights or literacy nights for an additional fee.
Tay Fisher Anti-Bullying Program (T-A-Y)
The T-A-Y Anti Bullying prevention program focuses on students talking, asking questions and showing empathy towards others
Tay will lead the topic by discussing the 3 types of bullying: Physical, Verbal and Cyber Bullying
T stands for TALK: Tay will encourage ALL students to not be afraid to talk to adults, parents, teachers, principals, older siblings etc when they come across bullying. This can include them being bullied or if they see it happening to others (bystander). Tay will end with a quick activity from a volunteer to demonstrate the importance of TALK.
A stands for ASK QUESTIONS: Tay will encourage ALL students to not be afraid to ask questions if they need to find a place to feel safe. We will discuss places for students to go to and things for them to do to escape any negativity going on in their lives which includes being bullied.
Y stands for YOU: All students will be asked to repeat after Tay, "IT'S NOT ABOUT ME, IT'S ABOUT YOU." This will teach students about the word EMPATHY. Showing empathy towards each other is important. Flipping the two letters in the word EMPATHY "EM" will result in the word "ME". That's how Tay will teach the concept "IT'S NOT ABOUT ME, ITS ABOUT YOU.
Volunteers will be selected to participate in a life changing experience with Tay that they will never forget
Omegaman & Friends

We are among America’s most sought-after school assembly speakers. The Omegaman & Friends presentation is a 45-60-minute interactive assembly with a SUPERHERO theme. It's filled with powerful visual illustrations, designed to promote good behavior by one of our SUPERHERO presenters. It’s hard for a speaker wearing a suit & tie to get most students’ attention nowadays. When a student sees one of our team members snap a baseball bat, rip a 400-page book in half, and bend steel in his teeth it grabs the student’s attention. The feats of strength are used as a tool to captivate and maintain the attention of the students, ensuring that the message is not lost. Each illustration is connected to an object lesson that will inspire your students to make the right choices when it comes to bullying, peer pressure and personal achievement. Research suggests that the best way to deal with issues that students are now facing is through comprehensive programs that focus on changing the climate of a school. Our presentation does exactly that! Our Mission: To promote positive Choices and move the student’s hearts and minds to contemplate positive change and new direction for their lives! Contact us TODAY for availability and a FREE quote.
Jeff the Magic Man

The following two school programs have been designed to follow the current NYS learning standards for performing arts. Each themed assembly also follows their respective NYS learning standard(s).
"Anything is Possible!" : a magical character development assembly
Focus: good mental health practices, positive self image, emotional regulation
Everyone has their own unique talent! It takes a special journey to each person to find what's special about them. Jeff will share his magic and the journey that he took to find his passion. Children will learn techniques that they can use to start their journey and find their own passion. We also take a look at the feelings that come with self discovery and healthy ways to manage them.
"The BIG balloon STEAM show!" : a circus variety style STEAM assembly
Focus: Critical Thinking, Scientific Method & Vocabulary, Deductive Reasoning
Come and explore the science behind balloons! This show combines circus style stunts with educational content that follows the NYS science learning standards. We'll explore how balloons are made along with their scientific properties. We'll also test the scientific method in a LIVE balloon experiment! For the grand finale, students will learn about elastic potential energy as Jeff climbs inside of a giant 10 foot balloon!